Outside of Vex?

anyone building a robot outside of vex or any competitions (i.e. FRC, FTC, bridge battle ,sumo, etc…) just a hobby robot in there spare time that doesnt use vex?

Let’s see I am currently working on:
A lego robot for robofest

I will probably start work on a sumo bot at some point along with another VEX omni holonomic drive.

Yep, I’m working on FRC, but building my own is sooooo expensive!

I have built various robots outside of Vex including a Hero 1, an EarthBot and various Sumo Robots. Check out my robots outside of Vex using the following links:


I am currently learning and looking into the process of constructing a Bose-Einstein Condensation Reactor. IN this project I will try to reach a temperature as close as I can get (not very close) to absolute zero (maybe 100-200 Kelvin). The downside to this project is that it is HIGHLY complex and requires months of work and experimintation. However I have been learning about Quantam Mechanics and absolute zero for a while now and I think that I am ready to begin construction of a simple Bose Einstein apparatus.

If anyone, by any chance, has worked or knows anything about the Bose Einstein Condesnation reactor, I would gladly take any advice and information that you have for me.


My local Engineering College, Oregon State University, has a big Robotics Program, with their own Robotic Line

I got a 3 year old TekBot Chassis from a former Electrical Engineering student. I bought the Atmel Tiny 26 Processor Board for it, and would like to get the Atmel Mega 128 board for it as well… I still need to Solder the Tiny 26 together…

Other TekBot links:
Platforms for Learning
Educational Innovations

When I get my “act together”, I think I will try to go to Oregon State, and get an Electrical and Computer Engineering Degree with a focus in Robotics and Controls.

I’ve got a Boe-bot, am working on my school’s FRC team, and just bought a vex :smiley:

welcome to the vex forum!

i love the boe-bot, i dont have one but its pretty much similar to the robodsyssey, great beginners tool

wow, have fun with that. sounds very complex. FRC and rockclimbing are basically all i am doing now.