I hope that this is the correct place to ask these sorts of questions. I know that certain suggestions may be better put into a different thread, but I will say everything here.
Firstly, I will get to my main, leading question. I am wondering when the High Strength 84-Tooth Gear pack will be back in stock. I know of multiple teams who have been waiting to order/receive these parts for at least a month (I have lost track because it has been so long, but seem to remember these being out of stock in early December). I would like to know when we, the VEX community, could expect these to be back in stock, or if we will be forced to either use different parts in their place, or redesign to no longer need them?
At the moment we, the VEX community, are rather lucky, because there are very few parts out of stock, now that block bearings and c-channel are back in stock. However, the High Strength 84-Tooth Gears have been out of stock for a very long time, and now the Metal 12-Tooth Pinion Gears and Programming Hardware Kit are also out of stock. It would be nice to know when each of these are going to be back in stock. Whether it will be soon, or if we will have to wait a month or more like we have with the High Strength 84-Tooth Gears.
I understand why parts become out of stock, but we have seen a lot of these occurrences with parts this season. It would be great for everyone if parts never went out of stock, but obviously that isn’t very reasonable. However, perhaps an “estimated time” for parts to be back in stock could be added to the product pages when they become out of stock. That way teams could know whether they will be able to wait to receive the parts, or if they will have to figure something else out. Unfortunately, typically when VEX is out of stock in a part, so are the other sites that sell those parts, so even when one of the teams I know were waiting for the High Strength 84-Tooth Gear kit to be back in stock found it on another site “in stock”, it turned out that they did not actually have any, and were now waiting for VEX to get them back in stock.
It would be great if teams did not have to post a Forum post or call VEX support when parts become out of stock to ask if there is an estimated time that those parts will be back in stock. That way VEX Tech Support is not bombarded with VEX Forum posts and phone calls, and teams can get their answer right when they go to order the parts they are looking for. It would also be good if teams did not have to wait over a month to receive a part they are very willing to purchase from VEX so that they can use it on their robot. Or, if there was some sort of unforeseen (or foreseen) circumstance which caused that part to be out of stock for an extremely long time, if there would be some sort of explanation put out by VEX either on the VEX Forum or on the product page, letting us, the VEX community know why we still cannot purchase that part, and when we might expect to be able to.
Thank you,