Pen vs Pencil in Engineering Notebooks

What is the best practice for writing utensils (pen vs pencil) in engineering notebooks? The only mention of this in the Guide to Judging is “Different teams may submit notebooks with varying levels of sophistication and beautification. For example, some teams may have brief sketches in pen, others may have colorized illustrations or CAD/electronic drawings.”

A professional engineering notebook should always be done in pen, never in pencil.


Engineering notebooks should be done In pen, but I suppose pencil is kinda acceptable.

As 9MotorGang as said, always use pen. Additionally, I reccomend doing sketches in pencil on a separate sheet of paper first as to have a reference when penning them in


You can find great advice on engineering documentation in VRC at

and digital templates (which can print and past in a hardcopy notebook)


Adding on to the resources!


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