Been dealing with Memory permission error trying to find it, switched over all code into a new file and now this is happening. Can’t upload file currently though.
It’s alright to just copy the text of the file and paste it here.
#pragma region VEXcode Generated Robot Configuration
// Make sure all required headers are included.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "vex.h"
using namespace vex;
// Brain should be defined by default
brain Brain;
#define waitUntil(condition) \
do { \
wait(5, msec); \
} while (!(condition))
#define repeat(iterations) \
for (int iterator = 0; iterator < iterations; iterator++)
// Robot configuration code.
triport Expander = triport(PORT20);
// AI Classification Competition Element IDs
enum gameElements {
competition Competition;
controller Controller1 = controller(primary);
motor Left1 = motor(PORT1, ratio6_1, true);
motor Left2 = motor(PORT2, ratio6_1, false);
motor Left3 = motor(PORT3, ratio6_1, true);
motor Right1 = motor(PORT13, ratio6_1, false);
motor Right2 = motor(PORT16, ratio6_1, true);
motor Right3 = motor(PORT6, ratio6_1, false);
motor Intake_default = motor(PORT15, ratio6_1, false);
// AI Vision Color Descriptions
// AI Vision Code Descriptions
vex::aivision AIVision19(PORT19, aivision::ALL_AIOBJS);
inertial Inertial_Sensor = inertial(PORT10);
motor ArmThingMotorA = motor(PORT17, ratio18_1, false);
motor ArmThingMotorB = motor(PORT18, ratio18_1, true);
motor_group ArmThing = motor_group(ArmThingMotorA, ArmThingMotorB);
digital_out Mobile_Goal_Piston = digital_out(Expander.A);
// generating and setting random seed
void initializeRandomSeed(){
int systemTime = Brain.Timer.systemHighResolution();
double batteryCurrent = Brain.Battery.current();
double batteryVoltage = Brain.Battery.voltage(voltageUnits::mV);
// Combine these values into a single integer
int seed = int(batteryVoltage + batteryCurrent * 100) + systemTime;
// Set the seed
void vexcodeInit() {
//Initializing random seed.
// Helper to make playing sounds from the V5 in VEXcode easier and
// keeps the code cleaner by making it clear what is happening.
void playVexcodeSound(const char *soundName) {
printf("VEXPlaySound:%s\n", soundName);
wait(5, msec);
// define variable for remote controller enable/disable
bool RemoteControlCodeEnabled = true;
#pragma endregion VEXcode Generated Robot Configuration
/* */
/* Module: main.cpp */
/* Author: {author} */
/* Created: {date} */
/* Description: V5 project */
/* */
// Include the V5 Library
#include "vex.h"
// Allows for easier use of the VEX Library
using namespace vex;
event message1 = event();
int AIVision11_objectIndex = 0, Brain_precision = 0, Console_precision = 0, Controller1_precision = 0;
float myVariable, TempDriveTrain, MobileGoalPiston, TolerenceTime, X_axis, Y_axis, Error, InitialPlace, DistanceNeeded, Integral, prevError, Derivative;
bool test;
bool Intake_vari;
bool Intake_vari2;
bool AButton;
bool ArmFlipFlop;
motor_group RightSide(Right1, Right2, Right3);
motor_group LeftSide(Left1, Left2, Left3);
smartdrive Drive(LeftSide, RightSide, Inertial_Sensor, 260, 380, 385, mm, 1.67);
// "when started" hat block
int whenStarted1() {
while (true) {
return 0;
//(distance * 360) / (wheel circumference * gear ratio)
//so (distance * 360.0) / ((PI * 3.25) * (36.0/60.0))
// 12 inches equals about 705 degrees needed
// "when autonomous" hat block
int onauton_autonomous_0() {
InitialPlace = ((LeftSide.position(degrees) + RightSide.position(degrees)) / 2);
DistanceNeeded = 1350 + InitialPlace;
while (true) {
Error = DistanceNeeded - ((LeftSide.position(degrees) + RightSide.position(degrees)) / 2);
Integral = Integral + Error;
if (Error == 0 or Error < 0) {
Integral = 0;
if (Error > 1350 or Error < -50) {
Integral = 0;
Derivative = Error - prevError;
prevError = Error;
RightSide.spin(forward, Error * 0 + Integral * 0 + Derivative * 0, volt);
LeftSide.spin(forward, Error * 0 + Integral * 0 + Derivative * 0, volt);
if (Error < 10 && Error > -10) {
TolerenceTime = TolerenceTime + 15;
} else {
TolerenceTime = 0;
if (TolerenceTime == 45) {
wait(15, msec);
Drive.turnToHeading(90, degrees);
while (true) {
return 0;
// "when autonomous" hat block
int onauton_autonomous_1() {
return 0;
// "when started" hat block
int whenStarted5() {
Intake_default.setVelocity(600, rpm);
Intake_vari = false;
Intake_vari2 = false;
while (true) {
if (Intake_vari2 == false) {
if (AIVision19.objectCount > 0) {
Intake_default.spinFor(forward, 360.0, degrees);
wait(0.5, seconds);
return 0;
// "when started" hat block
int whenStarted6() {
while (true) {
if (Controller1.ButtonR2.pressing()) {
else if (!Controller1.ButtonR2.pressing()) {
wait(1, msec);
if (Controller1.ButtonR1.pressing()) {
else if (!Controller1.ButtonR1.pressing()) {
wait(1, msec);
return 0;
// "when started" hat block
int whenStarted7() {
while (true) {
LeftSide.setVelocity(Controller1.Axis3.position(), percent);
RightSide.setVelocity(Controller1.Axis2.position(), percent);
if (LeftSide.isDone()) {
if (RightSide.isDone()){
RightSide.setStopping(brake); }
return 0;
int whenStarted12() {
while (true) {
if (Controller1.ButtonA.pressing() && Intake_vari2 == false) {
Intake_vari2 = true;
else if (Controller1.ButtonA.pressing() && Intake_vari2 == true) {
Intake_vari2 = false;
return 0;
// "when started" hat block
int whenStarted8() {
return 0;
// "when started" hat block
int whenStarted9() {
MobileGoalPiston = 0.0;
while (true) {
wait(0.35, seconds);
if (Controller1.ButtonL2.pressing()) {
MobileGoalPiston = MobileGoalPiston + 1.0;
wait(5, msec);
return 0;
// "when started" hat block
int whenStarted10() {
ArmThing.setVelocity(100, percent);
ArmThing.setMaxTorque(100, percent);
while (true) {
if (Controller1.ButtonL1.pressing()) {
else if (Controller1.ButtonA.pressing()) {
else {
return 0;
// "when started" hat block
int whenStarted11() {
while (true) {
if (!(fmod(MobileGoalPiston,2.0) == 0.0)) {
} else if (fmod(MobileGoalPiston,2.0) == 0.0) {
} else {
wait(5, msec);
return 0;
// "when driver control" hat block
int ondriver_drivercontrol_0() {
while (true) {
LeftSide.setVelocity(Controller1.Axis3.position(), percent);
RightSide.setVelocity(Controller1.Axis2.position(), percent);
if (LeftSide.isDone()) {
if (RightSide.isDone()){
RightSide.setStopping(brake); }
return 0;
int driver_control1() {
while (true) {
if (!(fmod(MobileGoalPiston,2.0) == 0.0)) {
} else if (fmod(MobileGoalPiston,2.0) == 0.0) {
} else {
wait(5, msec);
int driver_control2() {
while (true) {
if (Controller1.ButtonR2.pressing()) {
else if (!Controller1.ButtonR2.pressing()) {
wait(1, msec);
if (Controller1.ButtonR1.pressing()) {
else if (!Controller1.ButtonR1.pressing()) {
wait(1, msec);
void VEXcode_driver_task() {
// // Start the driver control tasks....
vex::task drive0(ondriver_drivercontrol_0);
//vex::task drive1(driver_control1);
//vex::task drive2(driver_control2);
//vex::task drive3(driver_control3);
while(Competition.isDriverControl() && Competition.isEnabled()) {this_thread::sleep_for(10);}
void VEXcode_auton_task() {
// Start the auton control tasks....
vex::task auto0(onauton_autonomous_0);
//vex::task auto1(onauton_autonomous_1);
//vex::task auto2(onauton_autonomous_2);
while(Competition.isAutonomous() && Competition.isEnabled()) {this_thread::sleep_for(10);}
int main() {
vex::competition::bStopTasksBetweenModes = false;
// Initializing Robot Configuration. DO NOT REMOVE!
//vex::task ws1(whenStarted2);
//vex::task ws2(whenStarted3);
//vex::task ws3(whenStarted4);
vex::task ws4(whenStarted5);
vex::task ws5(whenStarted6);
vex::task ws6(whenStarted7);
//vex::task ws7(whenStarted8);
vex::task ws8(whenStarted9);
vex::task ws9(whenStarted10);
vex::task ws10(whenStarted11);
//vex::task ws11(whenStarted12);
Yes it is, and if you surround it with 3 ’ on the line before and after it will make it look like code
probably use of the Inertial_Sensor here before it has been instantiated in robot-config.c
The inertial sensor is defined before hand, or is there something else?
See this
I am still a little confused, I am roughly self taught c++ through vex and the only triport is through an expander so…what?
My assumption without seeing the project is that
inertial Inertial_Sensor = inertial(PORT10);
is in robot-config.cpp
smartdrive Drive(LeftSide, RightSide, Inertial_Sensor, 260, 380, 385, mm, 1.67);
is in main.cpp
The constructor for the smartdrive is running before the instance of Inertial_Sensor is created.
Now perhaps you did concatenate everything and have one file exactly as you posted, I cannot tell from what you posted.
I am using the web browser programming thingy, how would this corelate?
Ok, then either submit feedback with the project open or post it here and i will have a look tomorrow to see what the issue is.
Program -.pdf (984.8 KB)
Ok, I have your program via feedback and I will explain how to fix sometime tomorrow when I get a chance to look at it.
The specific function causing the problem is the whenStarted1 function and the infinite loop it includes. Why ? to be honest idk but whatever the compiler is generating after optimization is causing issues. As that function has no useful purpose, delete the function
// "when started" hat block
int whenStarted1() {
while (true) {
return 0;
and the call to it in main
and the prefetch should be fixed.
This looks like code that was originally block code, you would also do well to clean it up and minimize the number of tasks (ie. whenStarted functions) it uses. Block code in general tends to create less than optimal C++ code.
Yes, it was originally block, I changed it when I started to learn C++ and kept the same file. Thank you for figuring this out and I will try to keep code cleaner now lol.
It seems that empty infinite loops are undefined behavior (thanks c++): Perhaps it would be possible to change the code generator to avoid generating such code?