Problem #2

is there a way to run two motors with one move ment like i move the left trigger up and two motors move in the same direction ?

You know for more power but keeping it simple so left trigger up two motors forward

rasengan no offence but did you even read the guide book that comes with starter kit?
anyway just put a jumper in:
Jumper port 16 for 12 mode 4 wheel drive
Jumper port 15 for 23 mode 4 wheel drive
Jumper port 14 for software 12 mix 4wd (slows during turing for better turning)
23 mode 4wd is motor ports 3 & 8 for left and 2 & 7 for right
12 mode 4wd is motor ports 1 & 8 for left and 2 & 7 for right

all of that info is in the Inventors Guide under the “Logic” tab–If you just read the inventors guide, we wouldn’t have to answer your question. We were happy to anyways:)

If you have a programming kit its even simpler. Just set the motors to be run off of the same channel.

wait. Could you tell me how to run 4 ports off of one channel? I’ve had some experience with the programming kit, but i don’t really know now to do too much with the transmitter.

This I just “typed in” EasyC 1.x, not very practical, but all 4 Motor Outputs will get their value from Channel #1.

#include "UserAPI.h"

unsigned char channel_1; 

void main ( void )
      while ( 1 )
            channel_1 = GetRxInput ( 1 , 1 ) ;
            SetPWM ( 1 , channel_1 ) ;
            SetPWM ( 2 , channel_1 ) ;
            SetPWM ( 3 , channel_1 ) ;
            SetPWM ( 4 , channel_1 ) ;

whoa:eek: hold up you can program your robot to run all 8 motors off of just the two channels
that means if i bought programming kit i could make 8 wheel drive robot awesome:D