Ok i am planning on making a super fast autonomous robot what has four motors and is geared up for speed.
This will navigate a very tight course that i am going to construct from wood, 2x4’s or plyboard.
I have a problem
In order for this to work the robot is going to have to figure out which way to turn on its own without me programming it verbatim.
So i was thinking that i will have the ultrasonic sensor in the front to tell how far away the next wall is, i will have 2 limit switches on each side that will tell the robot which way to turn.
Heres what i want
If(ultrasonic=5 and Limitswitch1=0)
Motors turn left
And the opposite
If(ultrasonic=5 and Limitswitch2=0)
Motors turn right
Can i do a two variable if statement like this in easy c v2?