Programming Skill Challenge - Return Robot to Starting Position after Handling

PSC1-a. Upon handling the Robot, it must be immediately brought back to a legal starting position.

My question: If, say, I started off on the red side’s starting position, upon a handling, can I put the robot on the blue side’s starting position?

The rule does NOT say anything about using the SAME legal starting position.

There are two legal starting positions. When the robot is touched, it can be brought back to either.

SO… yes.


This is also consistent with the way the Programming Skills has been refereed in past events such as Vex Worlds. Clearly this is more likely to be used as a successful strategy with Crossover, because the 2 legal starting positions are on opposite sides of the fences/bridge.


I don’t see any changes in the rules from last year. You can use multiple starting positions and multiple students.

I thought there was a change. I thought last year you could place it anywhere on the field against the wall. This year it has to be placed back into 1 of the 2 starting positions. That’s how I read it?

You have to place it in the starting positions when intentionally resetting your robot during programming skills runs. If you have to reset your robot because it fell over during a driver skills or teamwork challenge run then you can place it anywhere as long as it is contacting the wall.

Excellent, thanks. I was confusing it with programming skills

What about the bridge position? Does returning the robot to starting position allow the team to set the bridge position or must the bridge remain in the same position it was before the robot stopped? Related to this question, what if the bridge is accidentally tipped in the process of returning the robot to the starting position (e.g. robot was pressing it, student picks up the robot and the bridge moves under its own weight)?

This was asked in the official Q&A. When you reset your robots you don’t reset the bridge, it stays in whatever position it’s in. As for the bridge moving accidentally during a reset I’m not sure.

What happens to the hex balls collected in the robot? Do they have to be emptied out in this type of robot handling? That’s say the team start the robot on the orange side and the robot collects all the orange hex balls. The team then proceeds to move the robot (with hex balls inside) to the blue side legal starting position and continue the programming run to deposit the orange hex balls onto the shelf. will this be legal?

No, any hexballs that the robot is carrying will be removed from play, in addition, any hexballs in the starting zone you are placing your robot in will also be removed from play.

<PSC1> A team may handle their Robot as many times as they want during a Programming Skills Match.
a. Upon handling the Robot, it must be immediately brought back to a legal starting position
b. If the Robot is possessing any Hexballs when the Robot is being handled, these Hexballs will be removed from the playing field and can no longer be used
c. If there are any Hexballs in the Robot Starting Position where the Robot is being placed, these Hexballs will be removed from the playing field and can no longer be used.

Looking at the game manual rule PSC1 [LIST=1]

  • Programming Skills Match Specific Rules A team may handle their *Robot *as many times as they want during a *Programming Skills Match. *[LIST=1]
  • Upon handling the *Robot*, it must be immediately brought back to a legal starting position
  • If the *Robot *is possessing any *Hexballs *when the *Robot *is being handled, these *Hexballs *will be removed from the playing field and can no longer be used
  • If there are any *Hexballs *in the *Robot Starting Position *where the *Robot *is being placed, these *Hexballs *will be removed from the playing field and can no longer be used. [/LIST] [/LIST]