Dear VEX Community,
We are proud to announce the PROS 4 Open Beta!
We want to also note that PROS 4 contains breaking changes relative to PROS 3, and we highly do not recommend using PROS 4 for competition use YET.
This beta feature a whole host of new features:
• Abstract class for Motor and Motor_Group containing methods used for both.
• Make Class Constructors Explicit
• v5, rtos, and adi namespaces to help with API organization, with v5 and rtos being inline for user sanity.
• ADI(device) has a deprecation warning to encourage users to switch to the adi namespace.
• Removed deprecated motor functionality
• Base device class that all v5 smart devices inherit from (except motor groups) allow for dynamic device instantiation. (pros::v5::Device). This will allow users to write dynamic device instantiations.
• adi::pneumatics class added for ease of use.
• LVGL decoupled directly from kernel and instead a default template similar to Okapi.
• LVGL updated to latest version (8.3) under a new template called! liblvgl!
• Brand new look for LLEMU!
• Centered and right justified text for LLEMU
• When code gives you bugs, make bug juice
• Added port#_device constructors to most devices such as instantiating a rotation censor by doing pros::v5::Rotation sensor = 5_rot; to instantiate a rotation sensor on port 5.
• Added a stream operator overrides to most devices for debugging. For example, doing std::cout << motor << std::endl; will print information about the state of the motor.
• And too much more!
In order to join the PROS 4 beta testing, update your PROS CLI to version 3.4.2, and run pros c n ./new-project --beta
to create a new PROS beta project. Other conductor commands also work with the --beta
flag, so upgrading projects from 3 (while not recommended) is possible.
For more detailed installation instructions and more info about PROS 4 please join the PROS beta testing server:
Happy Testing!
- The PROS Development Team