Lately I’ve seen a whole bunch of range detectors failing. My students haven’t used them since last spring, and in many cases since about a year ago. A pile of them that were working fine are now returning nothing. The only change I’m aware of is moving to VEXos 2.0.2, outside of the one where I can see that a piece inside is physically broken. Has anyone had trouble with the range sensors in 2.0.2? Or maybe they just have somewhat short lifespans (2-3 years)?
I have had a high failure rate for the sonar sensors. I now keep them in a separate bin on my desk so that they are not bumped with the rest of the sensors. I started with 26 super kits four years ago and I have had to replace about sixteen of them over the last two years. It is not fun replacing them at 25 dollars each.
Well, I guess what I’m seeing is consistent with what you’re seeing. The school already had them before I got here. I’m not sure if the prior teacher ordered them or someone before him. So they’re at least 2 years old, if not 3 or more. They’d been in a bin with other sensors, and I hadn’t changed that. Looks like I will have to in the future. Thanks.