note there is nothing wrong with the servo and I do have a programming kit
also is there a way to have the servo stay in its position when I let go of the butten like channel 5 up button= gripper close and stay with out me holding it. bottom button opens gripper
OK, lets take this one question at a time.
Yes, without using any sensors you could do some simple programming like so.
int servo;
while ( 1 )
servo = GetRxInput ( 2 , 2 ) ;
if ( servo > 225 )
SetPWM ( 2 , 255 ) ;
if ( servo < 75 )
SetPWM ( 2 , 75 ) ;
elseif ( servo = 0 ) //Makes it so if the servo is not in use, it should stay in the neutral position.
SetPWM ( 2 , 0 ) ;
You can’t assign a different operation to a different position of the button. But you can use it like a toggle switch (ie. on/off). Here is an example explained by one of the EasyC people. [
Good luck!](