I have implemented an UP and DOWN mechanism for a tray in the robot, using 2 motors.
One motor is on the LEFT side, another on the RIGHT side.
I need both motors to work synchronously and perform only UP and DOWN (No turns or slow down)
What is the best way to achieve this? Using Joystick I could do (A )1/7 or (D) 6/12
But then, I do not want the motor to turn(slow one motor down). I need simple consistent Forward and Backward rotation in motor.
If I use split arcade, I might be able to achieve this. So A joystick for eg: would be UP and DOWN.
D would be LEFT and RIGHT**. (This is my understanding of split arcade )
Then, I have used both Joysticks. I don’t even want LEFT and RIGHT feature here.
I want to save 1 Joystick for my Drive train.
What 2 ports would be best for this scenario for MANUAL DRIVE?