Regarding choosing the right PORT for manual drive

I have implemented an UP and DOWN mechanism for a tray in the robot, using 2 motors.

One motor is on the LEFT side, another on the RIGHT side.
I need both motors to work synchronously and perform only UP and DOWN (No turns or slow down)

What is the best way to achieve this? Using Joystick I could do (A )1/7 or (D) 6/12

But then, I do not want the motor to turn(slow one motor down). I need simple consistent Forward and Backward rotation in motor.

If I use split arcade, I might be able to achieve this. So A joystick for eg: would be UP and DOWN.
D would be LEFT and RIGHT**. (This is my understanding of split arcade )

Then, I have used both Joysticks. I don’t even want LEFT and RIGHT feature here.
I want to save 1 Joystick for my Drive train.

What 2 ports would be best for this scenario for MANUAL DRIVE?

I would just recommend using a driving program for this.

Using the in brain driver’s code will not allow much flexibility in controlling more advance tasks in your build. It’s best to actually write a program for your driver’s code. You can code one of the buttons for up and the other one for down. The code can turn on both motors to positive velocity and then both motors for negative velocity for the opposite direction. To take your code a step further you can program presets. One button will spin to the two motors to a fixed position upwards and another button to spin the two motors to a fixed position downwards. I hope that helps.


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