Responding to "NaveP" on "Unable to download ANY code to the Vex controller"

If ALL your Vex Controllers won’t program from your Computer that you used last year, I would suspect the Computer rather than ALL your Vex Controllers…

Get the Latest IFI Downloader, place on a Flash Drive, and install on another Computer, one that preferably has a built in Serial Port. Note that you will need a Straight Through Serial Cable (don’t get a NULL MODEM cable) to connect the Vex Programming “dongal” to the Computer’s Serial Port.

I have seen issues with the Prolific Drivers stop working on Win XP, after some “magical” system update, so you might need to install the latest Prolific Drivers to regain operation of the USB to Serial adapter.

I use Win200 Pro, SP4 at home for programming my Vex Controllers, but I have a Serial Port, so I don’t use the Prolific USB to Serial adapter.