RMS Error

When I make a new project and run it, I get the error: “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘closeAllPorts’ of null”

How to I fix this. I can’t seen to find the answer anywhere online. I’m trying out RMS for the first time to try the wireless downlading

Make sure VCS is not open. Make sure you’ve installed the RMS plugin.

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Can you send me a screenshot of the screen with the error on it? And if you set the project to public (with options wheel at top right) we can see if it’s a code problem or an environment problem.

I got this error when I tried to build the code without installing the extension. Installing it was the fix.

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Why can’t I have VCS open? You of all people should know that if I were to close VCS that the save function wouldn’t work because it’s VCS.

VCS opens the port to talk with V5 always. This stops other programs from being able to open it.