Robodox 599D- Persephone Teaser

Since the announcement of Toss Up, we’ve been working on designs for the robot, persephone. Today, with our field assembled, we built a few quick prototypes and tested them.

AAAH :eek:

That is a ridiculously large image.

That thing holding those 2 buckyballs was almost exactly what i planned to do for descoring :p. Good to see its being tested by someone :D.

hmm… i like it. Going down to hell/de-scoring every 6 months:)

Glad to see some design similarity.
I don’t know why the image is so big, it has enough pixels to be that bit but really should be displayed smaller.
Also of note, the x drive chassis is not to any kind of scale and just proves that we can get over the bump.

Looks cool.
How do you plan to score those bucky balls?
Remember that the bucky ball holder will not fit vertically under the barrier if it is able to hold 3 bucky balls.

There is a bit being missed in this picture. I don’t plan on fully releasing that yet but here’s a hint. The motor layout is 4 drive motors, two lift motors, two intake motors, and two motors leftover. Also, consider that this Descorer would be my magazine, so to speak, where I would carry any buckies.

Persephone and growth.

Persephone and the harvest.

Next time you post giant pictures, can you provide a link instead of making the forum so impossible to use?

Sorry, I posted from my phone and thought I had uploaded a lower resolution.

Persephone and the harvest.

Hello Persephone

The scissor lift is looking very nice :). The de scoring mechanism is impressive I would love to see it in action :D!
However the x drive, unless it is not a final result, could Use some structural support, With the wheels out and exposed like that, the only thing holding it on there is one axle collar, for our team at least our collars like to get loose everyone now and again during a match. Would it be possible to move it to the inside And add an inner and outer rail support for the wheel? That’s just my 2 cents on the matter

If what you have is working great then disregard my previous mention :smiley: . Overall the progress is looking great! I look forward to seeing it in action :).

Persephone is our robot name, not our team name :slight_smile: you know, Greek goddess of growth and harvest. We thought it fit with the scissor lift and descoring.
For the x-drive, we still haven’t had super intense testing to ensure that it will not fail on us, it for now it has worked relatively fine. We cut new shafts for it and didn’t round the edges so it is pretty tough to get the wheels off.
We are still in our systems integration phase, but by next week we will probably have video of the Descorer. However, we will probably wait until closer to the date of our first competition on October 19th to compile a proper reveal video. The more people we surprise with descoring at our first competition, the better.

Oops I can’t believe I didn’t catch that lol. I agree the name suits the robots function :D.

The cut shafts should help a lot, you are right it shouldn’t be falling off, sometimes I can’t put an axle through the wheel insert without filing it down after its been cut.

Understood about the reveal date, I would want to surprise others too if I had a “descorer” ( which is still in progress)

Good luck in October! Our first competition is not until December, other than a scrimmage in November, so I am curious to see what it’s like a little early on the season to get an idea if what ill be seeing :), I would assume it would be similar to the Hawaii -vexibition, which had well rounded robots.

Thanks for taking time to answer my questions it is much appreciated !