I wanted to know what people would change about our robot. Below are some pictures of it. It has a 66W Drivetrain, 11W arm and 11W flywheel. The drive is 400RPM.
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As long as you have any way of intaking I think it will be fine
#1 Change as much steel (non structural) and change it to polycarb or aluminum.
#2 That is a 333 RPM drive not 400.
#3 you NEED an intake, whether that means getting rid of the flywheel or the arm idc, but at this point in the game you NEEEEEEEEED an intake
Thank you for feedback. We actually are in a redesign to make a new robot with an intake. We decided that for worlds we would make this robot, after we qualified for worlds after winning the state championship with this robot with no pneumatics or intake.
We will take this into consideration for our future robot.
Thank you for the pictures, but could you post some more zoomed out (front, left, right, back, top) so we can see your full robot (helps with determining the overarching idea/theme of the design). But from what I see,
- In your third picture, I see 3 1x5x1 c-channels. The structure they provide could be replaced by much lighter 1x2x1 c-channels.
- In your first picture, you hav an awful lot of plates that seem to be connected to nothing or provide no structural reason. I suggest you replace them with a frew 1x2x1 c-channels.
- Might want to add some wings to your robot