I just did the Robot C 4.26 download and have noticed that my old programs no longer work. Is this normal? I have looked at the new sample programs and have now been able to gt the robot working again.
Some of our robot brains will not even recognize that a sensor has been connected. Example. If I go into the settings/devices on the brain it will not reconize that the distance sensor is connected to port 7?? And yes I have done the firmware updater.
We’re sorry that you have encountered these two issues.
For your question #2, does the Distance Sensor in question appear on any Robot Brains, or does it only appear on specific Robot Brains? If the Distance Sensor does not appear on any Robot Brains, please disconnect all other sensors and motors, then connect the Distance Sensor to port 1. Then connect the Robot Brain to your computer and use the Firmware Update Utility to re-install the Distance Sensor firmware.
If the Distance Sensor is not recognized on Port 1 during this process, please contact VEX Technical Support at [email protected] or by calling +1-903-453-0802 so we can provide additional assistance.