Robot code not working

My robot code is not working. I am having some trouble with my robot code. When I run it, the robot only moves a little bit and then stops abruptly. I have included the code below for reference: bit! here is the code
Match Autonomous - Match Autonomous.pdf (93 KB)
and I am using vex blocks:

is there any thing in your wheels are your motors hot. reset everything then try.

When we put “go 21 inches forward” it only jerked a bit. During troubleshooting we put “go forward for 500 inches” and it moved about 20 inches. We’re confused as to why the robot isn’t moving accurately to the code we write.

are you using pids. are you using new motors or old ones

Did you ever tell the code what your gear ratio is or what color motors you are using? It sounds to me like the code is working like it’s meant to but it assumes a different base.