Robot in Pickup Zone (SG6 Clarification)

Before I post an official Q&A I figured I’d poll the braintrust here first.

Situation: Our team put “mandibles” on the front of our bot (see photo 1) that protrude into the pickup zone a bit (see photo 2) and in rare circumstances when we double score (high+low or low+low) they can get hung up on the mandibles in the Goal Wall (see photo 3). However, the leading ball is making contact with the floor; so by rule it can be picked up, which would then make the next ball come down and touch the floor.

Question: We’re worried that judges might not realize the ball is in contact with the floor and perceive it as a violation of Game Rule (referenced below). Would it be as simple as our team just giving the judge a heads-up on the situation before the match starts to prevent any confusion/concern?

The Violation Notes in section states:

Egregious or repeated Violations that result in retrieving a Ball before it contacts the Floor of the Pickup Zone are inherently Score Affecting, and will escalate to a Major Violation at the Head Referee’s discretion.

It’s always good to give the head referee a heads-up if you have a situation that might be questionable. The students could talk to the head referee during or before inspection about it. The judges don’t care what your robot does because they are busy with interviews and notebooks.

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Yep, sorry, meant to say referees and not judges! We’ll go with “advanced notice” unless told otherwise.

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