Rubber band Tensioner Question

So our team is going to build a double shooter robot, but do you think that we need tensioners for the double shooter so that we would have more tension? Or can we just build the rubber band tensioner, but not with the motor (because we are going to score in both goals at the sametime anyways) and somehow hold the shaft? I want your opinion about it and a way to hold the shaft without the gear if you think we do not need it to move.

By tensioners do you mean the tension adjuster used in the Ben Lipper misfire bot (I believe that’s the name)?

Or do you mean something else?

Either way, this seems like it would need to be tuned to your robot, and thus we can’t help you much.

Doing your own research is the way to go in 99% of cases, and if you are really unsure the forum is the way to go, but make sure you model your post like the one here.
As you can see, the problem was fixed, because they showed photos from all angles and explained how it worked and the problem clearly!

Good luck!


If you are building a double shooting robot, there is no need for a tensioner


Was going to say the same thing. If you’re worried about situations where you’ll need to shoot a single ball (teamwork challenge specifically) then there are other ways to do it than a tensioner that require less engineering and thus less “risk”.