running a 1-49 GEAR RATIO

I have a 1-7 1-7 gear ratio for a one wheel launcher.
My problem is i can’t run it with the 393 motors.
I tried to run three and four straight motor torque.
But the motor stall happens in only 5 seconds of spin.

Is there another way of fixing the motor stall?

Hi Gameon,

From the sounds of it, your motors are tripping the PTC and stopping. This can occur when there are sudden large loads on the motor and can be avoided by changing to a lower gear ratio.

The 393 motor comes with two swappable gear ratios. If you haven’t opened your motor and swapped gears, then you are already in the high-torque configuration. If you use multiple motors on a single mechanism, make sure they are all configured the same way! You can also try changing one of your 1:7 stages for a lower speed.

Hope this helps. I apologize for taking so long to reply. We always try to answer forum posts within a few days of them being posted, but sometimes we lose track of things.
