Scoring Clarifications

Scoring Scenarios

A Small BuckyBall Scored in a Floor Goal is worth one (1) point for the Alliance Score.

A Large BuckyBall Scored in a Floor Goal is worth three (3) points for the Alliance Score.

Filled – A Scoring Ring is Filled if there is one Small BuckyBall inside of it, and the Small BuckyBall is in contact with the Scoring Ring and/or the Floor inside the Scoring Ring.

A Scoring Ring that is Filled with a Small BuckyBall is worth five (5) points for the Alliance Score.

Here, the ruling was that you cannot earn both the one (1) point and the five (5) points for a BuckyBall satisfying both conditions.

However, here, it is okay for a Large BuckyBall to be on a Scoring Ring and yet earn the (3) points if above the Floor Goal.

While a Large BuckyBall on a Scoring Ring in a Floor Goal gets Floor Goal points, a Small BuckyBall in a Scoring Ring and in a Floor Goal does not get Floor Goal points. It seems that a Small BuckyBall satisfying two conditions stated in the Scoring section of the manual should earn both scores, so I would just like to make sure that there is a precedence for scoring that is not in the manual: points for a Scoring Ring nullify points for a Floor Goal for any given Small BuckyBall.

On that same token,

A Small BuckyBall Scored in a Low Goal is worth two (2) points for the Alliance Score.
A Small BuckyBall Scored in a High Goal is worth three (3) points for the Alliance Score.

A Scoring Ring that is Filled with a Small BuckyBall is worth five (5) points for the Alliance Score.

If a team manages to get a Scoring Ring into a Low Goal and subsequently gets a Small BuckyBall into that Scoring Ring, that team has earned only the lower two (2) points for being in the Low Goal rather than the higher five (5) points for being in the Scoring Ring and they absolutely do not earn both two (2) and five (5) points for satisfying both conditions? Likewise for the High Goal - only the lower three (3) points and not the higher five (5) points are earned and absolutely not both three (3) and five (5) points for satisfying both conditions? I would just like to make sure that there is a precedence for scoring that is not in the manual: points for a Low Goal or a High Goal nullify points for a Scoring Ring for any given Small BuckyBall.

Answers to these questions will help us to clarify to teams during the Drivers’ Meeting before running our next competition.

Thank you.

If a Small BuckyBall is both Scored in a Floor Goal and filling a Scoring Ring, only the Filled Scoring Ring will count for points.

Points cannot be earned for Filling a Scoring Ring inside a Low or High Goal.