Seeking: VEX Worlds Robot Reveal Videos!

With VEX Worlds fast approaching, we at VEX Robotics are getting excited and know you and your team are too!

This year, VEX is going to feature robot reveal videos from teams who are attending the event. If you’re interested, please post your video in this thread and include your grade level, team number, team name, city, state, and school or affiliation. Keep an eye out for your video to be highlighted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest starting next week.

The VEX Robotics team can’t wait to see you all in Louisville!!


Here’s video from teams 10256P, 10256, and 10256B, all from Klondike Middle School in West Lafayette, Indiana. All three teams are advancing to Worlds.

The last part of that video has this clip: Indiana State VEX IQ '15 - Team 10256P & 323M - YouTube
That’s the #1 alliance (10256P & 323M) in the Indiana State teamwork finals, scoring 144 points to tie the #2 alliance and win the Teamwork Championship on the tiebreaker (qualifying scores). Unquestionably the most exciting match of the event, when team #323M (an Elementary school team) dropped a block, but managed to pick it up and stack it in a way they had never successfully done in practice.

Full disclosure: Due to a mistake by the refs, the teams had to rerun the match, 323M did not drop a block, and they scored 144 with about 20 seconds left on the clock to win. But that wasn’t nearly as exciting (and I don’t have that video)


Here is the programming skills for 3333P

This is the Robot Reveal for 3333P. The kids added a second brain and a bunch of LEDs.

Here is the robot reveal for 3333P. Plus an extra brain and a bunch of LEDs…

Check out this middle school robot from Oakville Canada. The PiThons

Not one of the teams that I mentor, but one of my favorite robots.](“”)