Should I use 3 wheels or 4 this year on my drivetrain? Additionally, should I use all omni wheels or use traction wheels too?

Title pretty much says it all.

Look at other topics about this they already have very descriptive posts about this. Next time use the search so you don’t have to create a post.

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There are many pros and cons in scenarios like this.

With all omni wheels, you will have the ability to do more advanced maneuvers (going around opponent in tight spaces, etc), but I would recommend only having all omni wheels if your driver is more experienced and can handle it, because it can be harder to drive and play defense with. Omni wheels can also make it harder for auton, but if you can autocorrect the angle of the robot, it shouldn’t be much of a problem.

Traction wheels don’t allow for the advanced maneuvers but since they don’t have the ability to strafe (to move side to side), the are good if the robot needs to hold its ground (example, defense). They can also make it easier for auton since the robot angle won’t change much and you don’t need an autocorrect.

I am not super sure on the choice between 3 wheels or 4 wheels, so hopefully somebody can answer that.

Really, it is about your preference and the general skill level of both your driver and programmer.

Note, this is from my experience and experience from other programmers and mechanics I know.


I’m sure there are 500 posts above you saying the exact same thing.

and I’ll be 501

Use the search bar


Somehow, just somehow, I don’t think this might be the most suitable for this year’s game, if I’m being honest


what are you talking about that drivetrain wins worlds bro

People like running 4 wheels because it distributes the weight more evenly, reducing tile sinkage. However you can still run 3 wheels and be fine.

People like running 4 wheels because this…

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There’s nothing inherently wrong with 3 wheels, it’s just easy to push around and thus not the best for competitions. Once you get knocked on your side, it’s over for you.

Just because you see it commonly doesn’t mean it is disgusting. All of those seem like functional, working robots designed for their respective purposes.


Nah thats fantastic


I was joking…
But seriously, although I’m sure it has applications, I think it’s pretty impractical for this year’s competition.

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try using maybe 6 wheels total- the 4 outer ones are omni and the 2 inbetween them could be static or whatever theyre called

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im using a 3-wheeled drivetrain but I wouldn’t really recommend it for most teams… it’s pretty hard to work with, especially for this year, as trying to work around the pointy end makes things much harder, and there’s limited mounting points because of the angles. I can send you the code i’m using though if that’s helpful.