Signature height limitation

FYI: Signature height on the forums has been limited to a fixed height when being displayed on forum posts. You can still view the whole thing, in all its glory, on the user profile page.

How many lines is it currently set at?

I think I must be pushing the limit, but it’s at least six lines of text…

ha mine’s really short lol

I fixed mine and added something. Check it out. It explains my strange avatar.

same mine had like a ten line long signature then i deleted a line then it’s all fixed!


Does that apply for images and if so what is the actual pixel height. I’ll gladly modify my sig to fit the new limit.


sorry for the thread bump, but did the limit recently go down again?
because now i cannot fit all of my signature in the space
and i have noticed lots of users showing their previous records having to size down their text just to fit it all in
just something that was bugging me for a while

How would I even make a signature?

The User CP tab at the top, click on that. On the left hand side will be a edit signature, click on that. In the text box, you can put pics, words, etc…, and save it when your done.