Single lines of code causing functions to skip the code within them

If I have code in my autonomous function, it causes another function to “skip” the code it should be running, there are two of these functions they are similar and both do push to toggle, when code is in the autonomous function it causes one of the two push to toggle function to “skip” the code. I can print to the screen or tell a motor to spin while the function “skips” and it will work, even when that happens thought I can’t get the if statement to run it seems, is there any reason for this. how should I add my code in a legible format, I use C++ in the browser on a Chromebook (I just made an account and can’t upload files.)

Can you copy and paste your code so we can see it? Format your code using three backticks (```). Like this:

void main() {
   brain.screen.print("Wow! Fancy formating!");