so what accessories do you have

I have:

1 starter kit for $300:rolleyes:

Ya… let’s just say its way expensive. Also, do you think you cuold put prices in too?

i have…

2x starter kit
1x programming kit
1x tank tread
1x motor kit
1x servo kit
1x wheel kit
1x bumper sensor kit
1x limit sensor kit

i got my second starter kit for $99 before radio shack ran out of vex parts

1x starter kit
1x power pack(its on its way)

and hopefully a metal and tank kit soon.:slight_smile:


I have a:
Starter kit,
1 extra motor,
1 ultrasonic sensor,
1 programing kit,
1 battery kit (thank goodness)
Everything on sale from radioshack.:smiley:
I also have just ordered a weel kit for $25.

our team has 3 starter kits
2 omni wheels
2 power kits
2 programming kit
1 tank tread kit
1 chain and sprocket kit
1 aluminum kit
2 “Y” cables
2 limit switches
3-4 optical shaft encoders
I think thats it

I have

2 Starter Kits
1 Crystal Kit A
1 Optical Shaft Encoder

Just started vex a week ago already no every aspect of it.
also I am trying the January’s challenge at
and it is tough
Click on the link to find what the challenge is and see if ur up to it!

Now after christmas i have
2x Starter Kits
2x Battery kits
1x Programming kit
1x Crystal kit A
1x tank tread kit
1x chain and sprokecket kit
1x bumber kit
1x servo kit
1x motor kit
1x wheel kit

I also salved some caster or coaster wheels that i use to ’
I also have a little camera which helps alot