starting error easyC V2

When ever i try to start my Intelitek easyC for vex controler V2. An error pops up and says Starting Error. and easyc never opens up. is there any thing i can do? if i uninstall it can i even reinstall it?

never mind my computer must have been stupid yesterday or something it works today

It started doing the same thing again. What should I do?

A starting error is usually a problem with your windows install. If you are having starting error problems I would suggest uninstalling the software and downloading the newest version from If that doesn’t work then you should check you machine for spyware or viruses.

Are you saying I should buy a whole new EasyC or are you saying there are free updates.

I’m saying there are free updates to a newer version of V2.

ok i downloaded them and installed them and it told me to uninstall the old one so i did and know at the very end of the installation %bar indicator the starting error comes on and then i push ok on it and it closes out of it. i have all ready checked my computer for all the bugs