Strange Error - Exception Report: Missing or Invalid Motor on port 1

I am getting this error when I try and run autonomous programs on clawbot: Exception Report: Missing or Invalid Motor on port 1

It had been working until today. When we try to use the robot using remote control, left hand gears aren’t moving so obviously nothing is happening with the motor.

I have checked the ports and cables are secured correctly. Have downloaded firmware again as I thought that might be an issue but the error is still happening.

Has anyone come across this before? Is there anything I can do or is it a hardware/motor issue?

Sounds like a bad motor on port 1 or a bad cable going to it. To verify this try using the “Device Info” feature on the brain. If Device Info shows Port 1 as empty, then it is not a problem with your program.

It’s a weird one. When I turn on the brain it says an update is needed on “port one - LED”. The thing is that it is a motor plugged into port one. The LED sensor is plugged into port 2. I plugged the LED sensor out from Port 2 and the motor in Port 1 is working perfectly again now!

That just does not compute…to me anyway…

Oh and when I went into device info, it said that port 1 was connected to an LED sensor - but port 1 is connected to the left motor. Like I said, weird!

That can happen, especially with older versions of the firmware update tool. I haven’t seen it with this year’s version yet. In previous versions you could sometimes repair that type of problem disconnecting everything from the brain, then connecting the device with the problem into port 1. With only the problem device connected, run the firmware update tool (VEXos Utility).