Surprised and Pleased, it only took 18 years

@Bailey_Kahl, the first time is a surprise, second time is a coincidence, third time is just amazing.

Today I set up, did my third demo of Rapid Relay and packed it up. Those little blue pins worked as advertised. The massive Rapid Relay field sets up and easily breaks down into a portable size. This was the third time I have done this, and as Mom says, “Third time is the Charm”.

I have complained about fields since Hangin’ A Round on how hard they are to move. I’ve undergone surgical procedures to scoop the brain cells out that held memories of that Ladder game and the one with all those moveable walls.

As someone that does 10 IQ events a year, and have other teams bring game elements, I’m actually looking forward to setting up these events. This is going to be awesome.

Thanks to everyone that worked on Rapid Relay and figured out how to make it mobile. It is a very exciting proposition to not need a Ford F7500 pickup truck with the 22’ bed to haul the games around.

Thank you very, very, very much!!

Does this mean I should reconsider doing V5 in 2025-26 because of the new field elements?


@Foster I appreciate it! Glad to hear our hard work was worth it! :smiley: Hopefully we are able to keep matching this high bar every year.


It’s the small things that make life so easier.

I have done a small retrofit, starting at instruction 346 (attaching the center panel to the two goals). Those 6 pins got the “large headed pin” treatment. That eliminated trying to flex the beams away from the goal frames.

Thanks again!