Swerve Kit Uses

I just ordered a swerve kit. The main reason I bought it was the bearing plate. I am real curious about how durable it is. I would like to mount it differently and use it for the base of a robot arm. Thus the arm will be able to swivel.

I might also try a gripper claw. The swerve kit then serves as a “wrist” on which the gripper can twist.

What other uses can you think of for the swerve kit?


I was also thinking of using the swerve kit as the base of 2 “clampers”.

There would be two metal pieces sticking out of the swerve kit base
instead of wheels.

If you don’t get this, because it’s hard to explain, I’ll try to post pics later.

Yeah… that pretty well sums it up

ya that would be kool you could have a wrist and a hand on that thing:D

What’s a swevre mount (or whatever they call it)?

it’s pretty sturdy, but for a robot plate arm… not so sure. It’s great for the wheels and such, or if you wanted to make something like a wrist…
when you make the arm, make it out of aluminum parts if you can, you don’t want it to be too heavy…

See the Vex Robotics Swerve Drive Kit, Assembly Instructions.

Also see this Video, Vex Crab Drives.

thanks for the vid MarkO thats helped me out alot