Swish Robot Goes in Circles When Driving with the Controller

We are trying to drive Swish using the controller. The robot goes in circles instead of moving forward/backward. Do we have to run a code to get the robot to move correctly using the controller?

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Are you just using the “drive” on the brain?
You will likely need to use your own code for competitions and such, but I don’t see why it should be a problem for just driving.
This might seem like a stupid question but are you using the correct drive controls?

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We figured this one out. We had to use the code from the Vex IQ example. Now, we have a new problem. Maybe you can help. The catapult is taking too long to launch. Here is a picture of our robot. I’ll try to upload a picture of our code as well.

Here’s a picture of our code.

are you using the drive mode that is pre-built in or a code that you made to drive

because it could be the code if you are using one

We solved this problem. We had to use the code provided by Vex in the example code. Now, we are working on getting our catapult to work correctly. We are going to try to change the way our gear is mounted.

Could you elaborate on takes too long to launch? Anyway, I think you could try wrapping the string on a standoff or something to make it shorter. Then the spool doesn’t have to roll any excess string. This could make it faster.

LOL!! My apologies. (This robot is STRESSING me. )

So, the catapult doesn’t release quickly, it slowly releases. It doesn’t “throw” the ball. We are trying a shorter string and we will reverse the gear to see if that helps. When we look at Ben Lipper’s video, his catapult releases quickly so we used that code on ours. We aren’t using a tensioner. IDK if that matters.

You yellow gear mechanism is backwards. The ratchet spikes should be facing towards your spool,

read this topic for further context.


We reversed the yellow/green gear and this solved our problem!

Thanks so much!