
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share the syllabus for VEX V5 or in general. I am having a hard time coming up with it. I tried to research others on the websites but was unable to find anything.

Thank you

What do you mean by sllabus? Do you mean the engineering notebook?

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I meant course syllabus - sorry for the confusion.

Given that they have the IQ educator role, I am pretty sure they really do mean syllabus (“sllabus”?) and not an engineering notebook :exploding_head:

On a serious note, from my brief research, this came up for IQ:

And this for V5:

(I put IQ in case someone has a similar question)

This looks similar to what some schools use. I know many schools use the PLTW syllabus instead of this. It also may be possible to make your own syllabus that focuses specifically on what you want/need to teach. One complaint I have about PLTW classes since I’ve taken some myself is their lack of depth, so this is something you may want to consider. Ultimately it just depends on what you can teach, need to teach, and how far you want to take things.