
What kind of tape can you use on vex robots?
Can you use any:confused:

ummm, you can use whatever you want dude, it’s your kit. i have often used electrical tape though.

Actually its my whole teams and I meant FVC legal.

Read the FVC rules - They are clear about this. - Blake

if i remember correctly that would be no… but its been a while scince ive read the rules…


Yea I agree you can’t use any type of tape on a competition robot.

The rules are extremely explicit on what you can and cannot use. If your robot contains anything not permitted you will not be allowed to compete before removing the offending items. I suggest you read over the rules before the competition to ensure all have been followed, it’d be bad to show up at the competition only to discover the violation then.

If you are going to try to provide help to those seeking FVC rules advice, please quote the exact rule number your are referencing.

Posts like: “I seem to remember it is legal.” and “I don’t know if that is allowed.” are pretty much useless.


wat are you tryin to tape is it any thing you can use zip ties with

Zip ties work good for the cords but tape is good for a lot of things zip ties arent.

Read rule <R5>, That lists everything that is legal. Since tape is not listed it is therefore illegal, unless it is being used in none functional decoration. Rule <R5> explaines everything.

yeah, he’s probably right. tape seems like a illegal thing for metal robots. come to think of it…it doesn’t work that well anyway.:wink:

electrical tape does.

never mind.