Hi, when looking at the new competition manual, it mentioned that a few tasks would need to be completed for the AWP but it did not specify what the tasks were. Does anyone know the tasks?
Hi, when looking at the new competition manual, it mentioned that a few tasks would need to be completed for the AWP but it did not specify what the tasks were. Does anyone know the tasks?
An Autonomous Win Point is awarded to any Alliance that has completed the following tasks
at the end of the Autonomous Period:
a. Removed the Triball from the Alliance’s Match Load Zone that coincides with their Starting
Tiles. For example, in Figure 18, the red Alliance must remove the Triball that begins in the
bottom-left Match Load Zone, adjacent to Robot 1’s Starting Tiles.
b. Scored at least one Alliance Triball in the Alliance’s own Goal.
c. Ended the Autonomous Period with at least one Robot contacting their own Elevation Bar.
d. Not violated any other rules.
Try reading the manual more closely.
Yes it does.
SC7 - An Autonomous Win Point is awarded to any Alliance that has completed the following tasks
at the end of the Autonomous Period:
a. Removed the Triball from the Alliance’s Match Load Zone that coincides with their Starting
Tiles. For example, in Figure 18, the red Alliance must remove the Triball that begins in the
bottom-left Match Load Zone, adjacent to Robot 1’s Starting Tiles.
b. Scored at least one Alliance Triball in the Alliance’s own Goal.
c. Ended the Autonomous Period with at least one Robot contacting their own Elevation Bar.
d. Not violated any other rules.
Please Review the Game manual Fully, can be found at - https://content.vexrobotics.com/docs/23-24/vrc-overunder/VRC-23-24-GameManual-0.1-Release.pdf
I do have a nitpick with Page 2, which reads
An Autonomous Win Point is awarded to any Alliance that completes three (3) assigned tasks by the end
of the Autonomous Period.
when in reality there are 4 tasks to achieve. I had to go back to reread these passages several times myself.
The fourth task is really something that all teams should always follow, so it’s not really a task as much as it is a constant requirement for anything to be scored.
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