Team needs help with shooting

I’m completely stuck on how to help this team and I’m sure it’s probably something simple. They are using the herobot. They are only fourth graders. They’ve rebuilt multiple time and I’m worried because they are getting frustrated. They had their own code and started having this issue. They are now using the code on Vex for driving and still the same issue. It was working fine until it wasn’t. When they try to put the shooting mechanism down, it will shoot on its own the minute it touches anything . They have experimented with different things and I’m at a loss so it’s hard to ask questions to help them figure it out. We have several other younger teams with herobot that don’t have this issue. Can someone tell me what is causing this. They never hit shoot on their remote it is just doing it automatically.

  • I tried uploading a movie of this but for some reason (I’m guessing the .mov extention) I am unable to do so.

First off, send images of just the launching mechanism (ratchet). Second off if it is what I am thinking, is that they need to go to code and set the stopping to break and 100% velocity and torque. Here is an image of what it should look like for the code.

If it’s not the code, then I can help if it’s the build, just make sure to upload pictures on here of the ratchet launcher.

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The better option would be setting stopping to hold so that it holds it tight at the launching position

Welcome, it’s your first time posting.
If I’m understanding correctly, try putting the motor on hold, or stop the motors after spinning for a specific amt of time.
If that doesn’t work, could you please share your code? We can’t understand otherwise.