testing ulTime?

hey, I was wondering if there was a way to test how much the ulTime is being used(not sure if I phrased it right). Also, is the time that is kept track of in the timer function block the same as what is kept track of in the ulTime variable for competition templates? The flexibility of this program is very narrow for me, since I am used to coding C in an IDE. thanks for any help in advance,

ulTime = Time since the robot was enabled during a competition, only available in a competition template.

The timer block is a user timer for use in your program, normally it’s used to perform timed tasks without stalling out the controller. Now if used a Wait(300) in this loop with an Arcade drive the robot would drive horribly. easyC V2 has 1 timer and easyC Pro has 8.

StartTimer ( 1 ) ; // Start Timer 1 
      while ( 1 )
            KeepTime = GetTimer ( 1 ) ;
            if ( KeepTime > 300 ) // Check if 300ms has passed
                  PrintToScreen ( "Print this Every 300ms\n" ) ;
                  PresetTimer ( 1 , 0 ) ; // Reset timer back to 0

ok, thanks for clearing it up, the example you gave was just what I needed. I was making a function that will take a time as an input, so I can do stuff like moveFoward(300), allowing myself to move foward for 300 milliseconds. anyways, thanks :] I’ll ask anything else if I have problems.