i had a brain fart over the summer, but i got an awesome challenge for all of those who are willing to put some money, a whole lota time, and a whole h** of alot of trial and error ito a robot.
here is the challenge:
1 you must build a bot (rc vehicle)out of vex parts only, it must be able to climb a 6" curb, a flight of stairs ( min: 7 stairs), and over 7" grass.
2 you can only use one controller, and one reciever and microcontroller
3 it must be at least 4WD, using as many wheels as wanted.
4 it can only accomidate he essentials: frame, motors, servos, electronics, no sensors, no extra frame work
5 good luck, i am competing and have a killer idea
(ends january 30)
post all pics, ideas, comments, questions, and anything elese in this thread
to se my bot at the end ofthe competition, visit my site. (in sig)
Can you use chains and/or tank treads? All you mention are wheels. When you say any VEX parts, do you literally mean anything except sensors? What is meant by “extra framework”.
I probobly won’t have time to compete, but why did you title this thread “The impossible challenge!” if you are having people compete to overcome the challenge. If it is possible it can’t be impossible. Ok now i am even having trouble understanding myself.
hey, for anyone who was interested in this challenge, i will not be competing. this is because i have found out that i dont have the time or the money to do this now, but the challenge is still on.