Upgraded from airsoft gun to paintball gun. 4WD tank chassis with turret that traverses and elevates. Wireless camera boresighted to the paintball gun. Downside is that the paintball gun has to be cocked after each shot. This is a great tool for a man with a lot of squirrels in his backyard.
sounds like you need another motor with a couple gears to get very strong torgue and to push the gun back to ****
note:im assuming the gun is cocked when you slide the top back
wow, looks impressive. how long did the changes take?
heheh it bleeped out cocked
nice bot, you should get an autococker paintball gun
Have you figured out a way to do that yet? And how does it elevate? I’m not sure I see the mechanism.
Anyway, very nice piece of machinery you have there. Just the sight is enough to scare off those pesky neighbors.
What camera do you use?
i have a question, what is the servo mounted on the front camera do?
sounds like you need another motor with a couple gears to get very strong torgue and to push the gun back to ****
note:im assuming the gun is cocked when you slide the top back
**The gun is cocked by pushing in the black bolt protruding from the rear. Takes two hands to do it and I am not sure I could get enough torque without creating a giant gear assembly.
wow, looks impressive. how long did the changes take?
I have no idea. I am retired and have plenty of time so I just chip away at it until it is done. The challenge is to get it done by cutting up as few metal pieces as possible.
nice bot, you should get an autococker paintball gun
**I realize that but is it really worth $150 to me to do that. I had the Splatmaster left over from the 80’s.
And how does it elevate? I’m not sure I see the mechanism.
It elevates by using the 84 tooth gear mounted on the left side. The large gear is fixed to the base and the small gear (to the right of the large gear) and the motor is fixed to the movable portion. It only uses about 12-13 teeth to move up and down.
What camera do you use?
A camera I got from X-10 many years ago for a different project. There are 4 AA batteries in the base so it is self-contained.
what is the servo mounted on the front camera do?
**Nothing now. It used to depress a switch to fire the airsoft gun in a previous iteration. I was to lazy to remove it.
I appreciate your comments. It is all my grandson’s fault that I go sucked up in this and I am having a good time.
When you were young did you have trouble finding the perfect electronic coponents at a local store?
Heavy Metal
Actually I am a lot of old (64). As a teenager I grew up in suburb of Boston, MA, and one of my favorite things to do was cruise Radio Shack and Lafayette Electronics in Scollay Square. This was in the 50’s and they mostly carried war surplus (WWII & Korea) military electronics parts. They were plentiful and cheap. I built a lot of stuff with, are you ready for this, vacuum tubes. No solid state in those days. Radio Shack is no longer in the electronic components business very much, Lafayette Radio Electronics is long gone. Nowadays, there are a ton of sources all over the internet. The most comprehensive is probably Jameco which also has a robotics division at http://www.robotstore.com/.
Added a massive gear assembly to **** the gun. Uses 12 gears to generate the force necessary to push the bolt in. Had not thought of that until I read the suggestions of members this forum. Thanks to all.
Don’t you wish we had this kind of “educational toys” when we were young???
I kind of wanted the Tinker-Toys with the DC motors (circa 1974), but my parents never got around to getting them.
But when I found my “first” Vex Kit in Radio Shack and saw the Magic Words “PROGRAMMABLE”, I was interested… When I did research on the Vex Line and found that is was Programmable with a REAL Embedded (MicroChip) ‘C’ Compiler, I was hooked…
I have built a paintball bot. It was fun and interesting. But I have lately begun to question the wisdom of posting potentially dangerous devices on this forum, with its young readers. While I have referred to pictures of my paintball bot at times, I have hesitated to add it to the gallery for fear of inspiring someone with more zeal than good sense to build a potentially destructive device with insufficient safeguards against accidental discharge.
[edit] - Upon further reflection, maybe it would be better to go ahead and post the questionable material as long as we also discuss the potential dangers as well as the steps taken to mitigate those dangers.
I would like to hear what some of you older vex enthusiasts think about this.
Not all young people will take on such dangerous projects with no regard for safety. It has been my belief and experience in FRC that if a person is smart enough to design, build, program, and test a robot, that they are smart enough to take “adequate” safety precautions. The only issue is what “adequate” means. For some: a pair of safety glasses is enough, for others: they’ll want a blast chamber.
I agree, not ALL young people will. I am more concerned that SOME people will be inspired to be stupid. The flamethrower bots that have appeared on this forum come to mind.
When my paintball bot suddenly started firing at random due to a loose servo connection, I found out very quickly that I had not taken safety seriously enough. ( and I am an electronics design engineer with 25+ years experience)
I think the bottom line on a paintball robot is that you have to understand and account for the fact that it can pull the trigger ANY time, whether you intend it or not.
I would hope that the ones that do have paintball and airsoft guns would know how to use them and have their parents permission to use them. This is where parents need to help or control their kids.
Good heavens! That is a massive gear assembly for something so simple. Must take forever to **** it. (Still better than having to do it by hand.) Good thing there are worm gears now. Cool bot.
I once tried to make a flame thrower bot, but I got sick of it, because it didn’t completely work, and the body spray (I used axe) made the whole house smell terrible.
But now i believe that if you’re going to do something, do something honorable and worthy of time. 25 years from now i wont be proud of a destructive robot that could’ve put my and my family’s lives at risk, but i WILL be proud of that robot that set records and done well in competitions
Don’t use C0CK. You will be starred out. Instead, make C0CK uppercase and replace O with a “zero”. Or use a synonym of C0CK.