How do I timer in PROS? Is the feature built in, or do I need to create my own timer functions? If the latter, I can think of how I would do it, but I’m sure somebody has a better way of writing timers than I do.
Thanks in advance
How do I timer in PROS? Is the feature built in, or do I need to create my own timer functions? If the latter, I can think of how I would do it, but I’m sure somebody has a better way of writing timers than I do.
Thanks in advance
Use millis() or a task.
What are you trying to do? Are you looking for something analogous to ROBOTC timers?
Yes, I’m looking for something equivalent to ROBOTC timers. I’m trying to create a timeout for a PID loop.
So millis will return a time index? EDIT: Looked at the API for that function, yup that’s what it does. Searching for timer doesn’t give any results, so expanding parameters helps
This is normally how I do a timeout in ROBOTC.
foo( )
long currentTime;
// some code here
// wait for end - 5 seconds maximum
for( currentTime = nSysTime; currentTime > (nSysTime - 5000);)
// Some more code here
// that would call break when complete
// yet more code
replacing nSysTime with mills() should work.
foo( )
long currentTime;
// some code here
// wait for end - 5 seconds maximum
for( currentTime = millis(); currentTime > (millis() - 5000);)
// Some more code here
// that would call break when complete
// yet more code