Touch of insomnia

any new posts at 3:32am? :smiley: yea, insomnia might just have affected my brain, la la dee, LOL. but really, us roboteers, gotta be more than me who have insomnia, or at least stay up 'till 3am tinkering with robots? I’d work on mine but I got to program and my laptop is waiting for a new AC Adapter from Acer. w00t for fast shipping

just wondering…does anybody know any good ways to get to sleep LOL? I’m completely out of Vex, that robot used up all my keps nuts and most of my metal so I can’t even improve structure.

I usually make a cup of hot cocoa (extra milk for the seratonin) and settle down with a good (but not TOO good) book. Definitely nothing electrical, electronic, or battery-operated.

do you have any pics of ure bot and count sheep lol! i usually just fall asleep while watching ttv or liistening to music