Me and my team are having some issues with our cube intake for vex edr tower takeover. The intake can hold 2 cubes but then cannot pickup a third this is the image of the intake
P sure your sprockets are the issue here
Your arms should be braced (put c channels across it) and you should probably use 200rpm 18t sprockets for your intake. Your tray should also be a bit longer.
You may want to try adding more rubber bands to the intakes for more compression. See if it picks up the third cube if you squeeze the intakes.
You should also see if its possible to make an intake that fits when the rollers are flipped out. Having no flip out is better than having one imo, but if not, this is an easy fix to your problem most likely
It’s hard to give feedback without a video, but it seems that the lack of bracing on the two bar, the large sprockets out front (if anything, the inner sprockets should be the larger ones), and the fact that your rollers deploy out instead of down, meaning they can bend back out, reducing compression.
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