Alright, fair warning before I ask this question… I’ve confused myself plenty over this issue, and I very well might have gotten something wrong.
The big problem I’m trying to solve is controlling a V5 brain using a bluetooth controller.
I’ve been able to do this successfully in the past, but it was clunky and required a laptop wired precariously to the robot brain. In looking into this pet project again, I’ve realized there are two ways to do this in a way that’s at least somewhat sleek:
- Use a coprocessor plugged into the brain receiving, processing, and retransmitting the bluetooth signal
- Connect the Vex Brain wirelessly to a laptop performing this same function
There are pros and cons to each method, but a key factor in deciding which method is optimal is whether or not they would work. The first option definitely would, but it requires a microcontroller that I don’t have and don’t particularly want to buy.
Now, the crux of the issue at hand, and the TL;DR for anybody scrolling by:
As far as I can tell, it is entirely possible to connect the Vex Brain to a laptop via Bluetooth, but there’s no explaination as to how. My pondering of this issue in the discord directed me here, where it was suggested that I ask @jpearman for some details about how the bluetooth connection can be initiated. At the moment, all I have to work off is this old thread: Can robot brain get/send custom messages to PC? - #35 by jpearman which as far as I can tell effectively says “it’s possible, but hasn’t been implemented by anybody”
Anyhow, some help/advice/information about the feasibility of connecting to the brain wirelessly would be much appreciated