Unplugging from cortex

So this at our most recent competition, are motors kept unplugging themselves from the cortex. We tried tape, but it did not work. What do you do to keep wires from coming out of the cortex?

Perhaps your wires have not been properly constrained to the drive train using zip ties? Try and make your wires run along metal and allow for limited movement of loose wires. Motors generally should not just come unplugged from the cortex. Good luck

The retaining clips that come with the cortex also work fairly well along with zip ties as infinity_dragon said

The retaining clips that come in the cortex are good, but they break easily and might get lost. VEX really should sell them separately, especially because the “competition” clips they have are worse than no clips.

Yeah, I remember our teammates being annoyed with this a few years ago. The competition clips just caused all of their wires to come out at once rather than one at a time they said.

We had this problem with our power expander. What we did was put zip ties between our wires and around the power expander.

what my decided to do was to zip ties in between the wires of both wires. Only do this is if u know that the wires are good. Make sure not to do it too tight other wise you might break the pins on the wire

zip ties are the best to use, but VEX sells Retaining Clips that work well as well
