Unsportsmanlike Conduct

In a recent comp, I had a robot on the other alliance once it was clear they were going to win did a “victory dance” by spinning in a circle for the last 30 seconds of the match. So my question is is this Unsportsmanlike Conduct?

P.S. I know this violates a rule, but I don’t know which one.


Unskillful behavior does not equate breaking rules.

This happens at a lot of events. Given the celebration (no rule against it), are there other actions directed at opposing alliance? Like doing an “L” symbol with hand? or any other expression directed at opposing alliance - if “no”, then move on - let them do their happy dance.

Now what to do if behavior is directed to opposing alliance - let Head Referee know right away - let them evaluate the situation. Trust me, they saw it too and will deal with it discretion … and you will be heard.

I have seen some truly unsportsmanlike behavior, they are rare, and in each case Head Referee and/or EP have dealt with said behavior in a respectful manner for all. The consequences followed procedures for such incidents.

I do appreciate it is unsettling to know you have lost a match, and it feels really bad when opposing alliance is celebrating a win before end of match. Can they behave better, for sure… But you need to accept sometimes you will be outmatched and it is a loss. Take the energy to analyze what to do to improve for future matches and tournaments.

Long way of saying - no specific rules violated with the scenario presented in your post, just unskillful behavior.


This could be an example but I’m not sure if it applies to your situation.

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Thank you


Context matters. In general, when I see teams doing this, the intent isn’t to “show up” the losing team and is more of a “hey, we won, we’re not going to pile on the score anymore” intent.


I’ve never seen G1 called on a team for spinning or robot behavior. Generally this rule is more for trash talk and stuff like that or being disrespectful while debating a rule with a referee.

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It does not violate any rules and is fairly common. No reason to try and get more points and risk doing something dumb that gets you a violation. Often people just sit in the middle or spin or something.

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