Parents of an independent team of secondary school kids based at London are looking for VEXIQ mentors who can guide our children in design, build, programming and gaming tips. In case of travel constraints, we are ok to take the kids to Mentor’s location anywhere in London. Can explore online mentoring options as well. This independent team has already participated few Next level challenge events in 2018. Your guidance will help this team to achieve greater heights. We can also compensate the Mentors for their efforts and time.
This year’s robots are not as complicated as last. There are plenty of good videos on youtube. Good luck.
Thank you very much for your reply. We have issues with high hanging. Do you have any suggestions/tips?
Are you using the basic Flex design?
Easiest way is to add another motor opposite the existing one. you need a longer shaft for this.
Or motor on the other side, driving a 12t that is driving an idler 12t that is driving the main gear. Or programming it to turn the other way.