I’m doing a project for a highschool class. For this project I’m using an Arduino and a 393 vex motor. From my understanding the vex motor acts like a servo in Arduino and it uses position based programming . This is a problem since for my project the motor needs to spin continuously for a certain distance and them spin back. I’m not sure how to do this or if this is even possible to do.
Actually I believe that the vex motor acts like a continuously servo. From my understand the way to make is spin continuously is by saying servo.write(0) but when I do that the servo does not move. I’m not sure what I’m missing in my code to make is spin continuously.
I am just scanning the arduino forums, I’m sure you can find answers there if this doesn’t help either.
Nevermind I see that at 0,90, and 180 the motor does not move
The 393 is just a standard DC motor so will need some kind of motor driver to control it from the arduino. You could use a VEX Motor Controller 29, which is how these would have been used with ports 2 through 9 on the Cortex. Then, you can probably use PWM out from the Arduino to drive it.
With a VEX motor controller 29 this code should work
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;
where val is between 0 and 180 to make it rotate continuously with 90 being stopped. The OP is going to have to give more detail on what they are trying to get better advice.
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