So I’m trying to see if I can make a smart drive using the new motor groups, but for some odd reason, the code used in the old “Smart Drive” Post does not recognize the intertial sensor I have installed.
Not sure how to fix this, still a newb to coding, wondering if anyone can give me a hand?
Here’s my code and a screen shot of my devices:
/* */
/* Module: main.cpp */
/* Author: VEX */
/* Created: Thu Sep 26 2019 */
/* Description: Competition Template */
/* */
// Robot Configuration:
// [Name] [Type] [Port(s)]
// LeftDrive motor_group 1, 11
// RightDrive motor_group 10, 18
// Controller1 controller
// GPS19 gps 19
// Optical13 optical 13
// Distance8 distance 8
// BumperE bumper E
// LimitSwitchD limit D
// LineTrackerF line F
// Inertial15 inertial 15
#include "vex.h"
using namespace vex;
// A global instance of competition
competition Competition;
smartdrive robotDrive(LeftDrive, RightDrive, Intertial15, 12.56, 16, 16, distanceUnits::in);
// define your global instances of motors and other devices here
/* Pre-Autonomous Functions */
/* */
/* You may want to perform some actions before the competition starts. */
/* Do them in the following function. You must return from this function */
/* or the autonomous and usercontrol tasks will not be started. This */
/* function is only called once after the V5 has been powered on and */
/* not every time that the robot is disabled. */
void pre_auton(void) {
// Initializing Robot Configuration. DO NOT REMOVE!
// All activities that occur before the competition starts
// Example: clearing encoders, setting servo positions, ...
/* */
/* Autonomous Task */
/* */
/* This task is used to control your robot during the autonomous phase of */
/* a VEX Competition. */
/* */
/* You must modify the code to add your own robot specific commands here. */
void autonomous(void) {
// ..........................................................................
// Insert autonomous user code here.
// ..........................................................................
/* */
/* User Control Task */
/* */
/* This task is used to control your robot during the user control phase of */
/* a VEX Competition. */
/* */
/* You must modify the code to add your own robot specific commands here. */
void usercontrol(void) {
// User control code here, inside the loop
while (1) {
// This is the main execution loop for the user control program.
// Each time through the loop your program should update motor + servo
// values based on feedback from the joysticks.
// ........................................................................
// Insert user code here. This is where you use the joystick values to
// update your motors, etc.
// ........................................................................
wait(20, msec); // Sleep the task for a short amount of time to
// prevent wasted resources.
// Main will set up the competition functions and callbacks.
int main() {
// Set up callbacks for autonomous and driver control periods.
// Run the pre-autonomous function.
// Prevent main from exiting with an infinite loop.
while (true) {
wait(100, msec);