With the programming module, will you be able to use MPLAB and the IFI Loader or will it only work with the EasyC programming?
Yes, you can use MPLAB and the IFI Loader with the Programming Module. The Programming Module is the same board reguarless of which Programming Kit is came in.
Ricky Torrance
Electrical Engineer
I can download just fine using the Com1 serial port and the programming cable. the IFI loader recognizes the fact that I have a ‘VEX’ on the other end of the programming cable. But if I use the usb to serial cable provided with the prgroammng kit. it thinks there is an ‘FRC’ controller on the other end of the cable and keeps prompting to hit the program button until the program LED turns yellow. Any Clues?? I checked the system devices folder in the control panel and the computer knows the usb to serial cable is there and what port its on.
Using your Device Manager on your PC, see which com port is assigned to the USB-to-Serial adapter – it is most likely not on COM1. Now using the IFI Loader under PortSettings, set the IFI Loader to the same com port that was seen assigned to the USD-to-Serial adapter.