V5 Brain stuck on Event firmware

Hello, I was playing around with the V5E firmware (which, in retrospect, was not the greatest choice), and flashed it onto a normal brain. I’ve since been unable to find a way to get it to flash back to normal firmware (the assets successfully download but the main firmware image just shows “error” on the progress bar when an update is attempted). Is there any way to put the brain into a DFU mode and force it back?

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It’s a one way procedure (meaning once you have flashed event brain firmware there’s no going back). Why would you have done that ? Our tools would not have allowed it.


I was mostly just playing around with the tools, didn’t have a particular reason to do it. I patched the product ID checks out of vexcom to make it work.

The one way procedure bit is unfortunate.

I mean, there’s always a cost to hacking. Sometimes it’s hundreds of wasted hours (been there, done that), sometimes you brick the hardware.


Fair. Is there at least some way to re-obtain the ability to run code? Tried copying the flags from the field control program’s header and it’s ini and no dice :confused:

Don’t really care if this brain works with devices again but something above just being a brick would be nice

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There are two PCBs inside the V5 brain: one with CPU, USB, firmware and touchscreen, and the second PCB with power connector, ports and fuses.

If all the ports on your v5 still work, you could later exchange that board with another v5, which may have some burned out ports, but good firmware. Then donate v5kenstein with event firmware and some working ports to a local event partner.

Or, better yet, host a competition or scrimmage yourself.

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Maybe see if you can contact customer service and see if you can get a replacement. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

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