V5 Pneumatics Not Filling

We recently got V5 pneumatics but our tank will not hold air. We have the tank straight into the gauge to test. Every fitting is tight but air will not hold. We can’t hear it leak but the gauge won’t even go above 0 psi.

Please help!

Update we got it to hold air but it takes three years to fill, our hand held compressor will say 130 psi but the gauge says 60. Why?

The handheld compressor shows the maximum pressure it can deliver (130 psi), while the gauge shows the actual current pressure in your system (60 psi).

Think of it like a car’s speedometer that can show up to 160 mph, but you’re currently driving at 60 mph. The compressor’s 130 psi rating is its capability, not the working pressure.

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i have had that issue and I just trust the gauge since it is more realiable .

Our team had the same issue, it turns out that if you push the nozzle of the compressor on too much on the valve, it won’t fill, too little, same thing happens. We just have to push it slightly on and lock. Maybe this will work for you.

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Connect an old tank to the new one, and fill the old one instead. Both of our A and B teams solved the same issue like this.